Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Typical Day

  • 4am: Miss Piggy wakes up. Lay down with her on guest bed (in her room) to give her a bottle.

  • 4:45am: Put baby back in crib and slip back into my bed.

  • 6:30am: Wake up to hold up covers for small Puppy or Monkey standing at my bedside drinking water out of my water bottle. Go back to sleep.

  • 8am: Get up with boys and baby. Make breakfast. Feed children. Feed dog. Let dog out. Turn on email and check first days emails.

  • 9:30am: Take shower with kids and bath time for Miss Piggy.

  • 10:30am: Go to work out OR do load of laundry.

  • 11am: If this is not a work out day, wash dishes and give Miss Piggy an early lunch and then down for a nap.

  • 11:30am: Feed Puppy and Monkey. If it's a Monday or Wednesday, this means preschool. So, pack snacks and bottle for Miss Piggy. Pack wipes, diapers. Puppy and Monkey get socks (this can be a turning point for lateness - finding socks), shoes, jackets on.

  • 12:30pm - 2pm: Preschool for the Monkey on Mondays or Wednesdays. So, the Puppy, Miss Piggy and I wander around Target or the grocery store until it's time to pick him up. Other days, I work on the computer - answering emails, completing client requests, making phone calls, pay bills. Time is interrupted with getting milk, changing laundry, breaking up fights.

  • 2:30pm: Miss Piggy wakes up. Bottle, snack time for all. Vacuum, fold laundry, pick up toys. Make beds. Monkey, Puppy, and Miss Piggy promptly climb into beds and jump around.

  • 5pm: Start dinner.

  • 6pm: Mr Puffles arrives home from work! Yay! Feed kids. Feed husband. Feed dog. Feed self. Pick up bottles and food thrown on floor. Tidy up kitchen - sometimes I wash dishes depending on how messy it is or just save it for the next day.

  • 7:30pm: Bed time for the kids. Monkey and Puppy go first. Miss Piggy goes last. Brush teeth. Change diapers. Pajamas.

  • 8:30pm - 11pm: Back on the computer. Check email. Answer emails. Work on client projects. Read blogs. Facebook (huge black hole of time - and I don't even post anything on my page - just checking other peoples!).

  • 11pm: Watch the news. Go to bed. OR if there is a client deadline looming, get a cup of coffee, snacks, and turn the channel to Law and Order to get ready for another 2-3 hours of work until 2am. Ugh.
Then, I get to start it all over the next day! Every day is a little bit different with preschool, grocery shopping, Target, visits to Grandma's, and other random excursions. But this is the general order of our day. Most days, I feel like I'm so busy, but get little done. The DOG has been shedding - so, some days I vacuum 4 TIMES a day!!

*Illustration by Paula Mills @

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